10 on 10 - September 2014

It's the 10th, and that can only mean one thing: another 10 on 10! My favorite time of the month. Before we get started on some Portland fun, make sure you check out all of the other 10 on 10ers. As always, they are sure to have some great photos to share. I love that each of the 10 on 10ers all bring something different to the table and are always up to something new in their own neck of the woods. So check it:

Button Media

CLB Creative

Anya Elise Photography

Brittany Conner Photography

Shaw Photography

Twinty Photography

And now back to the

Swift Watch!


Brian Fantana


Nabil and I have an ever growing bucket list of things that we want to do in Portland. We love this city and it really does have the coolest and most random things to do. For a few years, we have had it on our list to see the

Vaux's Sifts at Chapman Elementary School

in the late summer. We have heard about this, but this is the first time we have experienced it first hand.

Every September, Vaux's Swifts come to Portland on their migration further south. And every night at sunset they all flock to the NW Portland neighborhood and roost overnight in the chimney at Chapman Elementary School. Really random, and pretty cool to watch. Curses that I didn't have my really long lens, but you can get the idea.

Before the swarm (about 1900):

And then they came!

They all seemed to fly around the area for about 45 min and many flirted with going in the chimney, but didn't actually go in for a while (about 2000). Once they started, they each took turns and funneled into the chimney. Literally thousands and thousands of birds. Luckily, we escaped without any bird missiles land on our head.

If you look closely at the chimney on a few of the photos, you can see a hawk (I think) perched on the side. This smart little guy was just waiting for supper to come to him. Once they started to dive into the chimney, he picked one off and then flew to his own resting place for the night.

Per usual we drove around for a bit after the festivities taking in the views. Man I love this city! Hope you enjoyed another 10 on 10 as much as I did. If you haven't already check out our other fab photogs (links above).

Until next time...

The King Wedding, July 19th, 2014

Last month I had the pleasure of photographing another one of my favorite couple's wedding. Lindsey and Andrew were married at the historic

McMenamin's Grand Lodge

in Forest Grove, OR. What a beautiful day and such a fun wedding! 

One of the best things about these two is that they are so head over heels for one another. If some of the ceremony pictures seem a little blurry, it's because Andrew's vows made me tear up like a little, baby girl. My second favorite thing about these two is that they are up for anything. During their engagement shoot, we were climbing on top of old machinery and HUGE cement pipes (...for like of a better word). And once again after the ceremony, I brought Lindsey and her beautiful dress into the rocks and bushes. It's all worth it for the perfect photo right?!

I'll let you all dive into some of my favorite photos soon, but let me first give a big thanks to Lindsey and Andrew for sharing their wedding day with me and for letting me be a part of it. I had such a great time and I'm so excited to keep in touch and see how you both grow throughout the coming years. Cheers to a great day and an even better couple! :)

And without further ado...

Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography groomsmen
Portland, OR wedding photography groomsmen
Portland, OR wedding photography groomsmen
Portland, OR wedding photography groomsmen
Portland, OR wedding photography groomsmen
Portland, OR wedding photography groomsmen
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography details
Portland, OR wedding photography details
Portland, OR wedding photography candid
Portland, OR wedding photography candid
Portland, OR wedding photography candid
Portland, OR wedding photography candid
Portland, OR wedding photography candid
Portland, OR wedding photography candid
Portland, OR wedding photography candid
Portland, OR wedding photography candid
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR  wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR  wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography Grand Lodge McMenamin's
Portland, OR wedding photography Grand Lodge McMenamin's
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography family
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Portland, OR lifestyle wedding photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR photojournalistic wedding photography
Portland, OR candid wedding photography
Portland, OR candid wedding photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography
Courtney Z Photography

Thank you again Lindsey and Andrew!!!

10 on 10 - August 2014

Another month has come and gone, and I have embarrassingly gone a whole month without posting anything else. This last month has flown by and been so insanely busy. I can promise to be better about posting in this coming month because I have lots of material for ya. 

For now, however please indulge yourself in another 10 on 10, and make sure to check out all the other 10 on 10ers while you're at it. Two newbies joined us last month (

Shaw Photography


Brittany Conner Photography

). The entire group is rock solid and coming your way from all across the country, so go see what they have in store.

Anya Elise Photography

Brittany Conner Photography

Button Media

CLB Creative

Shaw Photography

Twinty Photography

Welcome back team. Today I'm taking you on a little tour of the Oregon Coast. My mom was in town to visit in late July. She has only been here once before in the summer. All the other times being for Christmas, during the pit of Oregon's yearly weather cycle. I keep telling her to come visit in the summer because Oregon really does have blue skies and sun. This trip, Oregon did not disappoint.

We took a few days to drive down the Oregon Coast from

Cannon Beach



. One known for Haystack Rock and the other for hauling the best seafood the Pacific Ocean has to offer. We were dog sitting


s dog, Olive and I think it's safe to say Z and Olive had the best time of their whole life. It wasn't too bad for the rest of us either.

Portland Area Photographer
Portland Area Photographer
Portland, OR Photographer
Portland, OR Photographer
Portland, OR Photographer
Portland, OR Photographer
Portland, OR Photographer
Portland, OR Photographer
Portland, OR Photographer
Portland, OR Photographer
Travel Oregon, Cannon Beach
Travel Oregon, Cannon Beach
Travel Oregon Photography
Travel Oregon Photography
Portland, OR Photographer
Portland, OR Photographer
Oregon Coast Photography
Oregon Coast Photography
Oregon Coast Photography
Oregon Coast Photography

I finally got to tell me mom "see, I told you so!" when it comes to beautiful Oregon weather. I put up with the gloom and doom in December/January to be able to experience this kind of day in the summer. And we couldn't have asked for a better day. ...plus I had the best Rockfish EVER at

Local Ocean


Until next time...

10 on 10 - July 2014

Another month, another 10 on 10! And as promised, we have two more participants for this year's 10 on 10! Below are the links to all the 10 on 10ers. Make sure to check them all out after checking out summer in Portland, and help give our newcomers some love.

Twinty Photography

Shaw Photography

CLB Creative

Button Media

Brittany Conner Photography

Anya Elise Photography

After last month's trip to AU (some photos in

June's 10 on 10

), I've had a pretty chill month in Portland. No crazy trips or wild parties. In between shooting a few weddings (wedding season is starting to ramp up quickly here in OR), it's been kinda nice to relax and have some time to catch up on life. So for this month's 10 on 10, I'm taking you through a typical Zerizef summer day in Portland. Dog parks, BBQs, and backyard fires, oh my! Did I mention the incredible weather that we've had lately?

Portland seriously has the best summers EVER. It's the whole reason we stay here. ...okay maybe not the whole reason, but it's definitely towards the top of the list. Next month I'll give you all something more specific to Portland. Hope you all had as nice of a June/early July as we did.

Now scroll back up and visit the rest of the 10 on 10ers so you can see summer all over the country.

Until next time...