summer fun

10 on 10 - July 2014

Another month, another 10 on 10! And as promised, we have two more participants for this year's 10 on 10! Below are the links to all the 10 on 10ers. Make sure to check them all out after checking out summer in Portland, and help give our newcomers some love.

Twinty Photography

Shaw Photography

CLB Creative

Button Media

Brittany Conner Photography

Anya Elise Photography

After last month's trip to AU (some photos in

June's 10 on 10

), I've had a pretty chill month in Portland. No crazy trips or wild parties. In between shooting a few weddings (wedding season is starting to ramp up quickly here in OR), it's been kinda nice to relax and have some time to catch up on life. So for this month's 10 on 10, I'm taking you through a typical Zerizef summer day in Portland. Dog parks, BBQs, and backyard fires, oh my! Did I mention the incredible weather that we've had lately?

Portland seriously has the best summers EVER. It's the whole reason we stay here. ...okay maybe not the whole reason, but it's definitely towards the top of the list. Next month I'll give you all something more specific to Portland. Hope you all had as nice of a June/early July as we did.

Now scroll back up and visit the rest of the 10 on 10ers so you can see summer all over the country.

Until next time...