a day in the life

10 on 10 - May 2016

Portland Photography

Spring time is always busy. Working like a fool, traveling, and multiple family birthdays. This year was my sister's first birthday while living in Oregon, so we celebrated Oregon style at the tulip festival followed by a family barbecue. Before we get to that though, make sure to check out the other 10 on 10ers.








This was actually the first year and I have been to Wooden Shoe Tulip Fest as well. I'm a sucker for some beautiful flowers.

I had no idea there were so many different kinds of tulips. And later that day, we had a few of those types of tulips all over our house.

 I love the awesome activities that there is to do in Oregon throughout the year. Something fun in each season gives us a reason to get out the door. On top of that, I'm so glad that the sister is finally here so we can take the whole day (and other days) to enjoy one another's company and #exploreoregon together.

Cheers to more great days this spring and summer. Until next time...

10 on 10 - July 2015

Portland, OR photographer, travel photography

Can you believe it? It's been two full years of the 10 on 10 project! I'm still a little in awe that this small nugget of an idea to connect photographers across the country has continued, and even more so, that readers and photographers alike look forward to the posts each month. ...not only that, but the caliber and talent of this group is fun to take part. It's like I'm in middle school and I'm allowed to sit at the cool kid table.

This year, the group is growing yet again. Most of the previous participants are still active, but we also have four newbies joining the group. I'm really excited about the group as a whole because while everyone shows incredible talent, we all bring something different to the table. A different style, a different location, a different take on the same industry. So go ahead, take a jaunt. Check out the other 10 on 10ers and find yourself some inspiration. Then come back and check out my trip this month to FL.

Anne Almasy

Anya Elise Photography

Amy Straka Photography

Button Media 

CLB Creative 

Lisa Hibbert

Pogo Photo

Shaw Photography

Twinty Photography

This month, my 10 on 10 post is taking you all out of Oregon and as far east and south as we can possibly get. This summer, our family reunion was in Sarasota, FL.

Let me preface this with the background of how much I love our family reunions. I grew up traveling to see my cousins and aunts and uncles every other year. My mom is one of four kids, and the cousins are scattered in age with about 17 years from the youngest to the oldest. When you grow up seeing each other that often, even though we were always far apart geographically, your cousins become more than that one vague aunt's kid, they become your friend, an additional support, and confidant. Aunts and uncles become someone to seek advice, to look up to, someone who will support you throughout life and cheer for you through the hurdles.

I'm grateful to have a family that makes it a priority to all create time together, time to focus on the family as a whole and to also celebrate the growth the of each individual. ...and then there was the beaches. 

Needless to say, we had a pretty good time. I left Oregon thinking that I would have a few days with some time to work and catch up on e-mails. Apparently, I forgot that when you lay on a Florida beach, your mind automatically shuts out the real world for the rest of the week.

Posting the photos makes me miss it all already.

Until next time.



10 on 10 - June 2015

We've been doing 10 on 10 for 2 years now! I can hardly believe it. Next month we have a some other GREAT photogs joining the group, which means we'll be going strong in the year to come, so stay tuned. Most of the current group will still be continuing to post as well, so don't worry, you won't miss out on some new found favorite photogs either.

For now, make sure to check out another month of fab posts from this year's 10 on 10ers.

CLB Creative

Shaw Photography

Anya Elise Photography

Button Media

Twinty Photography

Brittany Conner Photography

Now that you've done that, let's get into this month's 10 on 10. Not only did the project turn 2, my sweet, little niece Myra also turned 2. I can't believe how fast the last couple years have been, but we LOVE having her in our life. Nabil and I get to take her captive every other week for a night and it's so much fun to see how much she changes in only a few weeks. I also love watching her learn and explore the world. A real life black bear at the zoo = mind blown!

This past weekend, family got together and celebrated year two. Myra enjoyed ripping the wrapping paper, playing with play-dough, and eating the junk food.  And I enjoyed ...pretty much the same.

I can't get enough of that little polkadot belly! Cheers to many more nights out on the patio this summer :)

Remember to stay tuned next month. We have some great photogs joining the group.

Until next time...

10 on 10 - March 2015

Hello and welcome to another 10 on 10! Before we divulge into our celebration of International Women's Day, make sure to check out the other 10 on 10ers' links below:

Anya Elise Photography

CLB Creative

Shaw Photography

Twinty Photography

Brittany Conner Photography

Button Media

I actually had another group of photos already snapped, edited and ready to post prior to this past weekend. They are a beautiful group of photos from a sunset at the Oregon coast with the hubs and the pups. I love them because we had such a great day spending time with one another and the weather couldn't have been any better. But then, my sister inspired me to post something for a greater cause.

While visiting Syd in Denver over this last weekend, she mentioned that she wanted to celebrate International Women's Day (March 8th) by taking some photos of her and me in Wash Park. We thought it would be a fun way to commemorate the day, and in a way to celebrate I. am. woman. (That's a joke, sort of). After stewing over when and where to take the photos, I had the spark of inspiration to include other women in the photo project as well. We expanded our shoot from two subjects to ten.

Normally when I approach these type of shoots, I have to prepare myself to hear more no's that yes's. People tend to be a little thrown when a stranger asks to take their photo; and to be honest, hearing a lot of no's can get disheartening. But all of these ladies proved me wrong. It was really amazing to talk to these women and to have every single on of them be willing to let me take their photo to post on my blog in support and celebration of them! I didn't hear one no!

I want to be clear that the point of this project is to celebrate women. I love that there is a day created to bring awareness to the differences between men and women and shed some light on how life can often be more challenging to be born with two X chromosomes. I whole heartedly believe that this is an important and necessary discussion to have and will hopefully lead to more gender equality around the world; however for this post, I want to focus on celebrating the beauty of women inside and out. To see our differences and embrace our uniqueness.

So without further ado (I'm almost done rambling), here is this month's 10 on 10. Ten photos of fifteen beautiful women out and about in Denver.

Thank you so much to all fifteen women who agreed to be in my project and have themselves photographed by a stranger. You are all beautiful and made this post much better than ten photos of an (albeit gorgeous) Oregon sunset.