Can you believe it? It's been two full years of the 10 on 10 project! I'm still a little in awe that this small nugget of an idea to connect photographers across the country has continued, and even more so, that readers and photographers alike look forward to the posts each month. ...not only that, but the caliber and talent of this group is fun to take part. It's like I'm in middle school and I'm allowed to sit at the cool kid table.
This year, the group is growing yet again. Most of the previous participants are still active, but we also have four newbies joining the group. I'm really excited about the group as a whole because while everyone shows incredible talent, we all bring something different to the table. A different style, a different location, a different take on the same industry. So go ahead, take a jaunt. Check out the other 10 on 10ers and find yourself some inspiration. Then come back and check out my trip this month to FL.
This month, my 10 on 10 post is taking you all out of Oregon and as far east and south as we can possibly get. This summer, our family reunion was in Sarasota, FL.
Let me preface this with the background of how much I love our family reunions. I grew up traveling to see my cousins and aunts and uncles every other year. My mom is one of four kids, and the cousins are scattered in age with about 17 years from the youngest to the oldest. When you grow up seeing each other that often, even though we were always far apart geographically, your cousins become more than that one vague aunt's kid, they become your friend, an additional support, and confidant. Aunts and uncles become someone to seek advice, to look up to, someone who will support you throughout life and cheer for you through the hurdles.
I'm grateful to have a family that makes it a priority to all create time together, time to focus on the family as a whole and to also celebrate the growth the of each individual. ...and then there was the beaches.
Needless to say, we had a pretty good time. I left Oregon thinking that I would have a few days with some time to work and catch up on e-mails. Apparently, I forgot that when you lay on a Florida beach, your mind automatically shuts out the real world for the rest of the week.
Posting the photos makes me miss it all already.
Until next time.