This month, the 10th kinda snuck up on me. It's been a whirlwind of a month. Luckily, I had my camera in tote a few weeks ago for a good friend's 30th. A true, unplanned, day in the life if you will. Before we get into the festivities though, make sure to check out all the other 10 on 10ers. As always, they are sure to have lots of good stuff for ya.
Here in Portland, we have had a pretty incredible summer. I mean, it's hard to beat a summer in Portland on a regular year, but this year, our beautiful, sunny skies have stuck around without much rest, and all the warm, summer weather with it.
As part of our fall/summer festivities, we celebrated Jeff's birthday. If I have learned anything in my 20 some years, it would be that another year older does not necessarily mean any of us have actually grown up. Most of us went to college together. Then spouses and other friends were added here and there, but when we all get together again, it's like no time has passed. It was like freshman year again in a few different ways...
If you are in Portland and haven't had a chance to try
, go schedule it now. Some inward facing pedals on a wood and steal frame, music on the overhead speakers, and three stops of your choice.
. Our stops were
, and
. There are a few seats that don't have petals, and those of us who were really smart took their turn on that seat when we were headed up hill. Mwahahaha. Suckers!
Thanks for being born and having a great 30th birthday celebration Jeff. Cheers to many more gatherings together for many years to come!
Until next time...