10 on 10 - September 2015

Key West Travel

Here we are at another 10 on 10. And yet again it's been a whirl wind month of weddings, catching up on some house projects, and travel. Somehow I randomly ended up on the other side of the country, in Miami for a few days. I took the opportunity to see a place that I haven't yet but has always peeked my interest: the Florida Keys, please!

Before we get to some beautiful, sunny, sea air, take a peek at the other 10 on 10ers (links below). If you've been following the project for a few years, you may notice that our list of names keeps growing. I'm excited to have Lelia Marie Photography joining our group starting this month! Visit her site and give everyone a little love. As always, they're sure to have some good eye candy for your viewing pleasure.


Anne Almasy | Anya Elise Photography | Amy Straka Photography

Button Media Casey Broadley Lelia Marie Photography

Lisa Hibbert | Pogo Photo | Shaw Photography | Twinty Photography


Okay, back to FL. This was my first trip traveling solo and while it was a bit awkward at times, it was fun to have the time to do solely what I wanted to do. Scootering, snorkeling, dolphin watching; the world is my oyster.

But really, I had a great time in Key West. 1.5 days actually ended up being a great amount of time. I felt like I saw the sites and experienced some touristy things, but didn't run out of things to do. ...but on a side note, I had fish tacos for 90% of my meals (obviously) and was left disappointed. Come on KW, what does it take to get some good sea food on an island surrounded by fish?! At least the sunsets made up for a sad tummy.

You may notice that my hair has a mind of it's own in the humidity. Just let it go, man.

Another month has come and gone, but we'll be back with more 10 on 10 in October. Until next time...